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More people are interested in cosmetic surgery in order to improve their appearance. Why? Is it a positive or negative development?









There are two main reasons why many people want to go through cosmetic surgery.

Firstly, the surgery will theoretically make them more beautiful. 既是原因也是好处

Usually, a person wishes to use the surgery to correct poorly proportioned parts of their body including a mis-sharpen nose, protruding ears, overly large breasts, asymmetrical breasts, or severe acne and scarring. After their physical characteristics have been corrected, they should look prettier and more attractive.

Secondly, having cosmetic surgery is a way to gain self-esteem. 既是原因也是好处

Because their physical problems have been solved, they no longer feel awkward about their appearances. Therefore, they frequently gain more confidence in themselves.


On the other hand, having cosmetic surgery also has some drawbacks.

Firstly, it increases the risk of being affected by side effects from these surgeries.

Furthermore, cosmetic surgery is likely to make patients get scars, which cannot be corrected.

Secondly, allowing people to go through plastic surgery may make them overestimate physical appearances over inner characteristics. Gradually, they may not treasure their personalities but try as hard as possible to enhance their looks.



Plastic surgery has become more popular in the eyes of those who seek to alter their features for the better. This might be true as the trend of these days follows what is more visually appealing. Nonetheless, I do not this trend positive in any way.

With the increased demand for physical perfection and symmetry, people are bound to experiment with unnatural methods to reach their goals. This demand stems from false advertisements that promote beauty standards only a photo-shopping software can create. Young women are usually the most likely to fall for these traps.

Plastic surgeries may appear to be the only solution for increased self-esteem. It is not uncommon to find people, especially adolescents, being bullied for their imperfect exterior looks. While the better option is to attempt visiting specialised psychologists for help, people end up choosing the shortcut, permanently changing their looks. Not only do they comply to their bullies’ wishes but they are not certain themselves if such an intervention will boost their self-esteem.

In my opinion, I believe this is a negative trend. People are now never satisfied with their natural beauty regardless. They see those that claim to look natural, on their television screens, and they want to look like them. They have lost their desire to improve upon their state of mind and just want to look more attractive.

To conclude, cosmetic procedures have been proven to be helpful for those who have been deformed from natural or unnatural reasons, such as 1st degree burns. Nevertheless, the pace at which such operations have boomed, to end up being the answer for feeling better about one’s appearance, is a disadvantageous development. There needs to be awareness programs to teach the masses, more importantly young girls, that true beauty comes from within and not with a perfect nose bridge.


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