英国伯明翰大学接受大学英语6级考试成绩了,那么英语六级CET-6和雅思的成绩对比是怎样的呢,目前我国大学生英语考试主要是CET-6,2019年中国教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会于2月15日在京联合发布雅思、普思考试与中国英语能力等级量表对接研究结果(the results of their collaborative research on linking IELTS and Aptis to China's Standards of English Language Ability),标志着中国英语语言能力标准与国际考试接轨,中英在教育领域的合作进入新阶段。
The results display the cut scores of IELTS and Aptis tests mapped to CSE levels, according to a statement issued by the MOE National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) and the British Council.
According to the results, a score of 5 in IELTS listening is equivalent to CSE level 4, a score of 5.5 in IELTS reading is equivalent to CSE level 5, while a score of 45 in Aptis writing is equivalent to CSE level 6.
Yu Han, vice president of NEEA, said the research displayed the CSE's value in practice and would shed light on language learning patterns of English learners in different areas, adding that it also contributed to the "opening up" of China's education.
Barry O'Sullivan, the research's academic team leader from the British side and head of Assessment Research and Development at the British Council, noted that both IELTS and Aptis were communication-based tests, making it possible to link the two tests to the use-oriented CSE scale.
此次对接研究的英方学术负责人、英国文化教育协会测评研发中心主任巴里·奥沙利文(Barry O’Sullivan)表示,雅思及普思考试都是强调沟通为本的英语考试,而中国英语能力等级量表同样也以语言运用为导向,使得此次对接得以实现。
He said the linking results would be of value to policy makers at educational institutions, test-takers as well as test users such as schools and employers.