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Extreme sports, like skiing, water rafting, etc., are dangerous. Should these be banned?


2014年暑假的老题重现,当时的考察是:Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, but others think people should have the freedom to choose sports activities. Discuss both views, and give your opinion.





第一、 极限运动可能没有我们想象的那么危险。无论是行业的安全性不断在提升和政府管理要求不断在加强角度还是参加运动者都是经过训练和有资质的角度,都降低了风险。

第二、 禁止不太实际。人们有选择自由,不应该被政治干预。只要不危害他人就没有理由立法禁止。同时很多极限运动的地点并不完全能被政府监控和管理,于是禁止也就变得困难重重。

For those who maintain that the government should bandages sports.

Activities argue the government has a responsibility to protect its population; in other words, the law should be there to prevent citizens from taking risks themselves, whether deliberately or accidentally.

These sports can be hazardous and sometimes life-threatening. More than that, it is not just the participants at risk, but spectators can be seriously injured.

And there are also good shots that involve seeming tired or debris that may fly into the crowd; given this level of danger, it is reasonable why people call for the authorities to take action.

For those who maintain that the government should not bandages sports.

Another argument against banning is that people would play these sports in hiding, and then they would be even more. After all, we know we all know that forbidden fruit tastes sweeter.

The further point is that there is a lower chance of injury in many so-called dangerous sports in statical terms than some everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal.

With the rapid development in advanced technology and medical insurance in our society, those extreme sports' security systems are mature enough to protect people who participate in this challenging activity.




Sports are an indispensable part of human life. However, some are considered to be more dangerous than others. Because of the dangers those sports can lead to; many people believe they should be banned. In this essay, I will discuss why dangerous sports should not be allowed.

Firstly, human life is undoubtedly precious. If somebody, for example, dies of a dangerous sport, his family would be distraught. This is also a loss to society considering the fact everybody has to spend twelve years on schooling.

Next, sports are meant to help people improve their health. For instance, playing table tennis should give you a better level of reflection. Hence, there is no need to have life-threatening sports.

Moreover, dangerous sports can result in serious injuries. Even though the lives of the people playing this kind of sports can be saved, they still have to suffer from permanent injuries, making them disabled. Hence, preventing people from this sport can reduce the chances of permanent injuries from sport-related accidents.

Finally, challenging sport needs not to be dangerous. It is commonly believed that people like to play dangerous sports because they are considered to be more challenging. However, many challenging sports do not require people to face dangers.

To sum up, I would strongly recommend that dangerous sports should be banned from our societies. Because they do not contribute to the development of human life and the dangers people could face, safer sports should be considered the best alternative.


Such is human nature to explore and experience the unknown. A trend is that numerous people are fond of embarking on challenging sports events, such as mountain biking, rock climbing, and scuba diving, especially among those dynamic young adults. Those who pursue excitement and the sense of refreshment in the dull routine of daily life claim that life without risk is no life at all.

Granted, a great many virtues could be gained via undertaking those risky or demanding sports activities. Primarily, extreme adventures can be taken as an effective way to help players relieve their pressure and relax their mood,because the occupied modern life often deprives one's right to seek relaxation. The popularity of bungee jumping accounts for risky sports' significant function in terms of reducing stress. Imaginably, one's working or study efficiency could be highly enhanced after doing his or her favorite sports events.

Moreover, extreme adventures could be developed into tempting tourism items, which could generate immense economic value.

Nonetheless, problems invariably ensue. One possible downside is that some perilous sports activities might become the roots of injuries and agonies. There exist high levels of injuries, which sometimes disable players and even ruin their whole lives. Another adverse aspect is that some intense extreme sports are merely an excuse for violence. To illustrate, boxing involves excessive violence and bloody contents, so that it imposes an adverse impact on adolescent TV viewers, namely, it might arouse their sadistic impulse.

Personally, it is citizens' elementary right to opt for his or her favorite sports activities, but when we enjoy the thrilling, amusing, and profit-making sports events, however, to prevent accident and injury is highly recommended.

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