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The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems? To reduce the problems, should we discourage people from using car?






其次,目前大部分的汽车都使用的是fossil fuel,汽车的排放的废气会加剧空气污染,从而严重降低人们的生活质量。






It can be undeniable that a range of urban areas has come from an increasing number of cars use. Although reducing the private cars is an immediately efficient way, it is unrealistic to expect people to give up car vehicle in favor of mass transit since it is still their main means of transport to work or travel.

There is no doubt that private vehicles are major problems of air pollution, exhaust emission in urban. The smoke emission from the car has made air quality unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to our health like lung cancer or heart disease. Moreover, traffic jam is another serious problem which causes huge numbers of accident casualties every year. As a result of these problems, the concentration of vehicle brought about concern of humans to the environment .

To solve these problems, some people suggest that the government should encourage people to reduce dependence of use car. However, I think that tackling the concern about car should entirely emphasize human instead of vehicles. One solution that has been put forward is a long-term solution for habits using public transport instead of the private vehicle so that the car journeys are not necessary. Consequences, not only would it save energy and cut carbon dioxide emission, it would also enhance the quality of life.

In conclusion, the role of the private car is not entirely replaceable soon, but its effect to global change is easy to consider. In my opinion, while discouraging car use might seem a quick solution to the problem the human is facing, it is mostly unlikely to be a permanent cure.

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