首页 > 雅思专题 > 雅思写作Task 2范文——A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your locality

雅思写作Task 2范文——A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your locality

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task:

A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your locality.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.

Do you support or oppose the factory establishment?

Explain your position.

Write at least 250 words.



Since the inception of civilisation, industrialisation has been a paramount requirement of growth around the world. In fact, every government has ratified certain sets of rules for establishing industries along with relevant departments to look after the policies' compliance. Like any other process industrialisation too has pros and cons, and subsequently, people have been debating over the appropriateness and formulating ways to curb its repercussions over denizens.

Firstly, institutionalising factories brings a lot of benefits for local communities. First of all, most industries require huge skilled workforce and thus, these crops up a lot of exciting and rewarding employment opportunities. This has profound positive effects on the upliftment of life standards of citizens as it accelerates the per capita income and the GDP. Apparently, successful industrialisation also spurs foreign investment. For example- the establishment of Tata Group in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand in 1909 helped the region to stride and today the region is one of the most developed regions in the country. Secondly, there are many other indirect benefits too. Any industry just does not create direct job opportunities for the people who work inside the company's premises; it also presents some jobs to people who are not qualified to work inside the company. For example, in any enterprise, we find many indirect housekeeping and canteen workers.

On the other hand, industrialisation has some minor and few potential issues too. First of all, many industries require a large piece of land and generally, it is acquired by deforestation or seizing fertile farmland. Also, companies' waste materials are generally hazardous and pollute the neighbouring environment. This leads to diseases, allergies and sometimes even epidemics. In most of the cases, the direct employees are under the highest threat. Also, the awry effects of local ecosystems cannot be ignored. Moreover, the life risk of industrial accidents over local lives cannot be disregarded. For example, today, every country is reeling under the side effects of Global Warming, a phenomenon whose onset is contributed to the discharge industrialisation waste into natural resources like water, air etc., which defines the rising temperature around the world and causing climate changes. Apparently, the proper treatment of industrial waste is a worldwide challenge.

In my opinion, industrialisation is necessary for growth, but it must be regulated. The proper measures must be in place to reduce the negative impacts of byproducts on the environment. This can be ensured by enacting strict laws to mandate the proper treatment of hazardous wastes before their discharge. On the other hand, to tackle problems like deforestation, companies must plant a certain number of trees depending upon the intensity of deforestation.
