首页 > 雅思专题 > 雅思写作Task 2范文——People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons

雅思写作Task 2范文——People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?
You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.

Write at least 250 words.



The university is a citadel for learning. It is a place where pupils of diverse cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds and religions come together with the major purpose of knowledge acquisition. However, some students enrol to better equip them for their future ambition, while others still attend to feel social status. My personal reason for attending colleges was to increase knowledge.

Let us consider someone who comes to the college for the experience.  I believe the intention, in this case, is not just to meet new friends because this can be done anywhere else. He wants to understand different behaviours and interact with persons from different areas, and various levels of intelligence. By so doing, he gradually imbibes knowledge at different levels and at different points. For instance, I know of a very good friend who always wanted to attend a higher institution. When I enquired as to the particular school he wanted, her reply was simple; “ I do not have any school in mind, all I want is to go get new experience and change my environment”. However, after four years in the university, I observed that her attitude, intelligence, abilities and sagacity has increased greatly. This shows me that the ultimate end of going to the university is to acquire knowledge.

Also, for those who think that their reason for going to school is for career preparation. The statistics suggest that over 70% people who studied a particular course or discipline in Nigeria, do not end up practising the same course, and are never found along the career line throughout their lifetime. Evidence of various microbiologists who are now chief editors in newspaper agencies across the nation is the proof that university does not prepare students for a particular job. One of my idols studied petroleum engineering but he is currently working with the First Bank of Nigeria.

In conclusion, a university for me is like a crucible, a furnace where minds are moulded with the fire of knowledge in other to adapt to the outside world. We may have different reasons why we enter the colleges and universities, but one thing and only but one thing is for sure, the core reason why people attend the university and college is to increase knowledge.
