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Some people believe educational qualifications always bring success. Others think educational qualifications do not necessarily bring success. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.


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For the most part, the more schooling one person can receive, the more successful one person will be in the chosen path. In general, people who drop out or receive minimal education are probably headed toward a long, torturous career slinging burger at a fast-food joint. That's a common perception, at least.


第一、 如果只是在讨论职业的成功,认为在社会职业当中的认可是成功,教育当然会起到非常大的作用,教育资质也是现代化社会普遍所需要的。尽管如此,不是所有的职业获得成功都需要教育资质的。对于需要经验体力和从社会以及从资深的工作人员那里获得技能就能成功的职业,对于教育的资质需求就相对来讲没有那么高。

第二、 在职业成功的范围当中,也有太多并没有良好的较高的教育水平,甚至于没有获得相应的教育资质的人,却有着令人惊讶的职业成功比如比尔盖茨,乔布斯这样的人比比皆是。正是因为他们独特的思考、眼界、智慧使他们成功,而不一定是教育和教育资质在起作用。

第三、 如果我们定义成功并不是职业的成功,而是人生的成功,比如生活幸福或者在某些自己兴趣的领域获得一定成就,以及在社会当中获得一定成就和社会的认可,那就有可能和教育资质没有什么关系。我们经常在社会新闻当中听到有捡垃圾的老人供养了很多无法负担学业的学生完成学业,那么捐助者对社会的意义就是人生的一种成功,而这和他们接受过什么样的教育水平并没有关联。

Despite the importance of education and educational qualifications we talked about above, there is no denying that there are some successful people who stand as exceptions to the rule. There have been many great thinkers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, and some of them have done incredible things without ever having finished college. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, is one of the best examples, who is the most influential technological mind of the past century. Therefore, we dare conclude that there is no inevitable relation between educational qualifications and success.



Some people find academic degrees or other training essential milestones for future success. In contrast, others believe that this does not guarantee future success, and there are other relevant factors just as crucial. I take the opinion that success is not guaranteed.

On the one hand, gaining educational qualifications is certainly a method with which to gain success in certain areas of life. Regarding a career, it makes a person more competitive as employers will generally seek people who are well-qualified for the best and most richly rewarded positions in their company. This is true for all types of work, be it as an accountant or lawyer or work in the building trade. It can also be viewed as bringing success in terms of one's own development, as for some people gaining more educational qualifications is not for work but instead leads to a sense of personal accomplishment and fulfillment.

On the other hand, it is not certain that success will follow. Many people study hard to become well-qualified in terms of work but then fail to reach the heights of success that they expected. This is because there is a high level of competition for many jobs in today's world and a high number of graduates or qualified people. Not only this, there are other skills needed aside from qualifications. 'People skills' are also critical, and so regardless of the level of qualifications, those who cannot get along well with others may be less likely to achieve the success they desire.

In my opinion, therefore, educational qualifications can bring success in life for many people, yet there are no guarantees this will be the case. Other factors such as the current job market and personal skills are also factors of importance.



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