首页 > 偏锋备考 > 2020年12月5日雅思大作文分析+范文(20年雅思名师金长麟分析)



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More government investment should be on the teaching of science than any other subjects in order to keep a country's development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



这个题目很多不同考察版本,常见的有:Since money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people think financial support from the government should be provided for scientific research only provided for scientific research rather than for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree.



To begin with, there is no doubt that science drives the national economy since most modern industries, such as robotics and telecommunications, are based on high technology. Moreover, the process is cumulative, as when the companies turn the results of their research and development into successful products, the profits fund further investigations. Consequently, the whole nation benefits from high-tech manufacturing, which provides jobs and boosts incomes, thereby improving living standards.


On the other hand, however, arts and humanities should not be excluded from academic investigation since history, literature, and law represent and define the nation. Furthermore, the evolution of human civilization has been the result of science and culture. Therefore, all areas of knowledge are equally important. Hence, non-scientific research is necessary to support the education system in giving children a complete and balanced foundation regardless of their eventual careers.





People have different views on the subjects that the government should invest in and prioritize to achieve what is termed economic development. Some believe that a larger portion of government funds should be dedicated to teaching science-related. In my opinion, although science plays a large role, other subjects hold merit in their own right in contributing to, and in driving, economic progress and, therefore, deserve equal government investment and funding.

On the one hand, public funding in science education subjects is essential in driving a country's development in many areas, such as engineering and medicine. An increasing number of developed countries such as Japan have emphasized the science education of their citizens. This intense focus has led to science learning, knowledge, and scientific research achievement, fostering innovation, and increasing productivity, contributing to the nation's national economic growth. Therefore, investment in the teaching of science education is crucial for a country's economic progress.

On the other hand, the management of a nation also determines its development and economic progress. As such, it can be argued that curriculum subjects such as social sciences and law require as much attention and investment. Developing economies such as Indonesia and Cambodia have long experienced political and social unrests and conflicts. It can largely be attributed to instability and poor management of legal, social, and governmental systems. This is in contrast to their Asian counterparts such as Singapore and Korea, where well-established and stable civil law and political institutions can be observed.

In conclusion, subjects related to the management of a nation's economy, such as social sciences, have as much impact and significance on one's nation's development and progress and deserve as much government investment as science subjects.

01 【金老师作文命中率




02 【我们是谁】

偏锋出国作为雅思官方的合作伙伴,多次受邀参加雅思官方培训,严格按照官方最新评分标准指导学员备考。我们是一群一心钻研教学的教书匠,校长金长麟老师从事雅思教学二十年,你的四科主讲老师相加超过三十年教龄,均海外名校归国;你的 VIP 教辅 100%来自名校英专/雅思 7+。
