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Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly a question of luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




拿到任何题目,无论难易,先看一个要点:题目的论证要求是什么(也就是题目最后的一句话问题的形式)。To what extent do you agree or disagree?意味这这个题目可以完全写不同意,提出成功是考天赋、勤劳等因素,和运气无关。这样一来比较符合普世价值观,也容易写一些。



  • The role of being diligent and determined is more significant than luck. 努力和决心是成功关键
  • Although there may have been many people reaching their goals with good luck, such good luck in most cases only comes to people who have worked hard. 即使要运气,运气也是眷顾有准备和努力的人。没有准备的人,运气不起作用。
  • Luck could only lead people to short-term achievements, and there is nothing to ascertain that it would continue to exist in the long run. 短期暂时成功或可能有运气成分,长期成功一定不考运气。



Many people argue that luck is attributable to anybody's success and hard work. I cannot entirely agree with this opinion. 倾向或一边倒的立场和论述结构。

Chance makes only a small contribution to someone's achievement, and many people believe it takes dedication and tremendous effort to be successful. 统一观点句引导全主体段 。下面分类描写。

In many fields, especially scientific research, scientists could not hold many different patents and achieve success without infinite patience and hard work, which had a remarkable influence on our daily lives. 分类描写一,科研场景。注意一定是先写道理再举例子,最后给结论。

For example, Steve Job, who continued to pursue his dream despite being thrown out of his own business, is an excellent case of success through persistence and passion. Passion and determination led him to spend thousands of hours of coding and experimenting with creating a new operating system that significantly transformed the technology world.

Thus, the key features to succeed are enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work, which show greater importance than chance. 分类描写一结论。

Besides, there is very little hope for the student who prays every night to pass the exam to complete the test thoroughly without any research or analysis. The student must at least study hard on some key issues, and luck does the last if the test question relates to what he learned. 分类描写二,学习场景。

However, in lottery situations, it is clear to conclude that chance is why one person becomes a millionaire overnight. Nonetheless, the almost zero percent chance of winning a lottery clearly shows that luck comes only with a small stake and cannot be the answer to everyone's success. 让步段。尽管有完全依靠运气的成功,但这肯定不是主流。这种成功本身就是万分之一的运气的体现。反证了成功不依靠运气。




01 【金老师作文命中率



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