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Detailed descriptions of crimes in newspapers and televisions can have harmful consequences, so some people think this kind of information should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




这个题目有点tricky,第一个和一定要注意到的单词是:Detailed descriptions。题目的观点是有some people引导的句子,而论证背景也就是第一段支持段的核心内容,我们会写为什么详细的犯罪报导会带来不好的影响。





There is no doubt that the detailed descriptions of crimes given by most newspapers and television programs these days can be adverse for vulnerable people, especially mentally immature children. It is partly because such kind of descriptions will give children a deep negative impression. What is worse, children even will imitate the crime by learning the details from such reports.

Also, the detailed descriptions of crimes will increase the incidence of crimes. They point out that thousands of potential and amateur criminals learn how to commit a crime, becoming sophisticated criminals, after reading these reports. For example, as the details in the news show, the same means are similar to the crimes in the actual society, such as robbery, sexual offenses, and murders.


On the other hand, other people argue that it is pointless to restrict this kind of media. They probably think that the detailed descriptions of crimes are beneficial for people to prevent crimes. People will improve alert sense when they see the crime means as TV programs and newspaper shows.

(However, they hardly realize that the negatives outnumber the positives. Meanwhile, people can learn how to prevent crimes by other means such as the Internet and books. 但是这个段落往往伴随让步)




When it comes to publishing the detailed criminal description on TV and newspaper, some people contend that it has a substantial negative impact. They outcry for the restriction of this sort of information on the media. In this case, I am of the honest opinion that this kind of information should be restricted to the media.

Nowadays, people can easily have this sort of violent news on television and newspapers every day. A pile of media is publishing every detail of an incident, particularly a violent event. But the problem is that in most cases, the media, particularly electronic media, do not mention whether a particular program is suitable for children or people suffering from heart diseases. Such a report may result in children being disclosed to that news without prior notice; they might suffer mentally and feel a lack of security. Likewise, a heart patient may get ill seeing the violent story on TV screens.


Besides, often media gives criminal descriptions exaggeratedly that trigger more and more same crimes instead of informing people. A detailed report of a crime scene exposed to the media could provide potential criminals with handy information, which would be tough to obtain otherwise. Details of crime in the news may make them aware of shortcomings and pitfalls and make them harder to be tracked down by the law enforcement agency. Thus, the detailed delineation of crimes aids the criminals to commit heinous crimes skillfully.

From what has been discussed above, it could be easily said that the media negatively impacts society. I feel that there need restrictions on what the news mediums may or may not do in reporting a crime scene.

01 【金老师作文命中率




02 【我们是谁】

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