首页 > 偏锋备考 > 2020.7.31雅思大作文分析+范文(20年雅思名师金长麟分析)


Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, but it is essential to be involved in other activities. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, college students tend to spare more time and energy on their academic study and at the same time lay less emphasis on some extracurricular activities. From my point of view, this is a positive trend.
Firstly, as human beings have entered an era of knowledge-based economy, the more college students learn, the better they prepare for the future. The specialized knowledge they learn in university will play a key role in their future career. For instance, for a student majoring in medical science, if he does not apply himself to his major, he will meet a number of problems during the treatment and consequently, it is unlikely for him to become a prestigious doctor in the future. By contrast, regarding to students excellent academic attainment, they are more popular in the workplace since their conspicuous transcript is proof of not only their hard work but also their potential in learning, which is extremely significant for future work.
On the other hand, excellent school performance is far from enough for university graduates, considering the increasingly competitive job market. The situation in real tasks has become more and more complicated, which is difficult for graduates to handle if they are weak in other abilities. In this case, taking part in some activities during college is a perfect approach for them to understand the complexity in real work and to enhance capacities like communication skills, teamwork spirit and leadership ability. Students engaging in activities tend to have an edge over others who only concentrate on study and they are more likely to find decent jobs after graduation.
In conclusion, I believe in order to become well-rounded individuals, academic study is needed but participating in some extracurricular activities cannot be ignored.

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