Describe a jewellery or cosmetic item you often use.
You should say:
- what is it
- how often you use it
- when you use it
and explain why you use it often.
As a man, I don’t exactly have much fascination for wearing jewellery products or other fashionable items. However, when it comes to using perfumes, I spend a great deal of money on buying them.
Yes, I like perfumes and deodorants, and I am sure that many, many people around the world also adore perfumes, even though they don’t necessarily choose the same type of perfumes or scents. For example, while some of them like their perfumes to be strong, others like them to be mild. Then, there are those who like “body mist”. But, as far as I am concerned, I want my perfumes to be mild because strong perfumes give me a “headache”, especially, if I am in a closed environment.
So, again, mild perfume is what I prefer as long as it lasts longer. By the way, it is important to know that not all perfumes last a long period of time after putting them on our body or clothes because the concentration level of the aromatic compounds on all the perfumes are never the same. And just in case if you didn’t know, the higher is the concentration level of the aromatic compounds in a perfume, the more expensive they are.
Anyway, I know exactly what kinds of perfumes I like to wear since I have been using it since my early high school days. But, I don’t really use it more than once a day or twice a day though, depending on whether I am just casually going out attending a party. But, one thing is for sure that I have to have my perfume on when I am going to my office.
So, why I use perfumes? Well, the answer is obvious, and it is because they make me smell good, and when I smell good and fresh, I feel more confident about myself in the company of other people. On top of that, they also amplify my mood and thus making me more productive in what I do.