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Describe a long car journey you went on.

雅思口语提示卡,IELTS Cue Card

Describe a long car journey you went on.

You should say:

  • where you went
  • how long it took
  • whom you took the journey with

and explain why you took the journey on a car.


Taking a car and hitting the road on a bright sunny day is one of my favourite things to do, when I have some free time to spare, and also when I get a little bored. The longer is the journey, the better it gets, as far as I am concerned. Today, I would like to talk about one such long car journey which I undertook about a year ago during the summer.

Our destination was “Banff National Park” in Alberta. By the way, we were 4 friends all together, and we had earlier decided that we would travel to the famous park. But, the question was whether we would take an aerial route to arrive there or drive a car. After long “deliberation”, we finally decided that we would travel there by car because it was going to be more fun. But, it was going to be a long journey as it would have taken us approximately 7-10 hours, depending on the traffic situation.

So, we decided to hit the road real early with our “camper van” which was loaded with everything we needed, from under-seat luggage storage to a mini kitchen, and a cosy “penthouse” rooftop tent. By the way, since it was going to be a long journey, we would need to eat at least twice, while driving on the road, so we took veggie burgers with lettuce buns, eggs, cheese, and soy chorizo for breakfast scrambles, cheese tortellini with Pesto Sauce, camembert, crackers and plenty of water. There were several routes for us to take, but we decided to drive on Trans-Canada Highway number1 because it was the most scenic route of all.

Anyway, I took this long car journey, primarily because I wanted to get out of the “boredom” of a very long and tiring work schedule of the previous months. Besides, I also wanted to see and enjoy the stunning views of Rocky Mountain peaks, turquoise glacial lakes, a picture-perfect mountain town and village, abundant wildlife and scenic drives from up close while driving to Canada’s first national park called “Banff National Park”.
