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Describe a wild animal from your country.

雅思口语提示卡,IELTS Cue Card

Describe a wild animal from your country.

You should say:

  • what the animal is
  • what it looks like
  • where it lives

and explain how you feel about this animal.


Living in a country like Bangladesh, when thinking about a wild animal, the name of the mighty royal Bengal tiger unmistakably comes into my mind, simply because they are so different from any other wild animals. So, I will go ahead and describe this royal animal as best as I can.

Anyway, although they are called the royal Bengal tiger (by the way, Bengal means “Bangladesh” in modern times), these wild animals are not unique to Bangladesh only because they also live in some parts of India, Nepal and Bhutan. But, as far as Bangladesh is concerned, our royal Bengal tigers live in the “Sundarban” which is widely viewed as the largest mangrove forest in the world.

Being the largest (in size) members of the cat family, this majestic animal’s coat or skin is yellow to light orange with stripes ranging from dark brown to black, and the belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white while its tail (about 60-110 centimetres long) is orange with black rings. Its head-body length is 140-280 cm while it has a height of about 95-110 centimetres at its shoulder. Their sizes can vary from up to 220 kg (for male) and 140 kg for female. Being renowned for their immense power and strength, these wild animals are not only about to hunt on land but also in the water since they know how to swim also. On top of that, they are also able to climb the trees and kill their prey by using their large and retractable claws. These fearless animals use their distinctive coats as camouflage to do the hunting, and they can travel miles to find buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals.

Well, I feel that these wild animals are some of the rare natural wonders of our animal world, and as such, they should be preserved at all cost before becoming completely extinct. In fact, while their number was in hundreds of thousands before a hundred year, today they have come down to probably 2500 altogether because of illegal hunting and destruction of their natural habitat.
