Describe an important lesson you learned in primary school.
You should say:
- what is it
- when you learned it
- how you learned it
and explain how it became important in your future life.
Not sure about others, but it was a blessing for me to have an opportunity to attend a great primary school, while growing up as a young boy, where I learned a number of important life lessons. Today, I would like to talk about one such an important lesson.
The lesson, I learned, was that we should all remain true to ourselves always. Of course, I already knew that telling the truth to others was very important, but I wasn’t familiar with the idea of being true to myself until I reached 5th grade. In fact, I learned about this important lesson in a rather hard way when I failed to finish my own science project on time.
Anyway, the science project, I chose, was a rather difficult one. However, before assigning the project, my science teacher had repeatedly asked me if I was able to finish it on time as it was a difficult one. But, I pretended that I was fully capable of pulling off any project, no matter how difficult it was, even though I knew that the project would pose a major challenge to me.
I still accepted that project only because I didn’t want to show my weaknesses to others. Besides, I also wanted to create some “wow” factor among my classmates. But, as the time for submitting the project was approaching, I was becoming nervous because I wasn’t going anywhere close to finishing my project. So, I asked for some additional time from my teacher, and he agreed. But, I still couldn’t finish the project on time, leaving me embarrassed in front of my other classmates. And, at that time, I realized that I should have been true to myself, having some clear idea about my own ability and skills.
Anyway, the lesson, I learned in my primary school, had always forced me since to analyse any situation thoroughly by taking time before making any decision whether they were big or small. Besides, this particular lesson also had taught me to be humble in front of others even if I had enough reasons to boast.